By: Dan SchuckSports Performance SpecialistSpectrum Sports PerformanceOut at the fields Thursday morning with the Orlando City Soccer team. The team had a game on Wednesday night against Rollins College where they won 1-0. A handful of the players were on the field for 70 plus minutes, whileRead more →
By: Dan SchuckSports Performance SpecialistSpectrum Sports Performance Online Payday Loan Usa Justin Clark found himself in a familiar situation on Wednesday night…at the Rollins Soccer field, celebrating a win from a goal that he scored off of his header. The only difference between this game and theRead more →
By: Eric McGinnis, CSCSSports Performance Specialist, Rollins College Strength CoachSpectrum Sports Performance If you’re like most people, you hate to warm up and you don’t do it well enough. I’m not judging you. In fact I totally understand. A warm up is the last thing I wantRead more →
By: Calum McLellan, CSCS, NASM-PESSports Performance SpecialistSpectrum Sports PerformanceIt is commonly thought that if a little of something is good, then more must be better. When it comes to training for a sport, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Just like anything in life, training tooRead more →
By: Jonathan TaylorSports Performance SpecialistSpectrum Sports PerformanceKnowledge is power, but wisdom is applying that knowledge to actually affect what you do. With the excessive amount of information pertaining to fitness, gaining muscle, and fat loss out there, what is true and what is just a gimmick? OneRead more →
By: Dan SchuckSports Performance SpecialistSpectrum Sports Performance single bureau typically starts It is the first week of preseason for Orlando City, and as their sports performance provider one of the most important things I want to do is assess them. I don’t want to see how fastRead more →
By: Steve Yahns, MS, CSCS, NASM-PESAssistant Director of Performance, Lead Methodology EducatorSpectrum Sports PerformanceAfter spending the past few weeks breaking down drills and tests that the NFL combine demands out of athletes, guys still must face the fact that their bodies are up on display for theRead more →
By: Calum McLellan, CSCS, NASM-PES Sports Performance Specialist Spectrum Sports Performance direct loan lender no credit check Everyone has heard “You need to drink more water” before, but does anyone really take that seriously? Aside from oxygen, water is the most important variable for sustaining human life.Read more →
By: Steve Yahns, MS, CSCS, NASM-PESAssistant Director of Performance, Lead Methodology EducatorSpectrum Sports Performance While most of the focus during the combine may be on bench reps, forty yard dash and 5-10-5 times, or vertical jump, athletes must prepare to show their skills during several position specificRead more →
By: Jonathan TaylorSports Performance SpecialistSpectrum Sports Performance Quit the crunches, revamp the approach, and find the abs! The search for a flatter stomach and the coveted six pack have been a much sought after goal for many, making it one of, if not, the number one goalRead more →