Improve Your Core by Learning How to Belly Breathe By: Dr. Rachel Jakubowski Physical Therapist SPECTRUM, Inc When people are told “you need to strengthen your core” they automatically think about ways they can strengthen their rectus abdominis (the six pack, sexy beach body abs). Yes, we
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Personal Trainers at Commercial Gyms By: Will HitzelbergerPlease Get Help. I obviously love fitness, nutrition and just improving overall health and performance. I try not to knock other areas within this awesome industry. I have definitely looked back at things I was doing ten years ago andRead more →
By: Jonathan TaylorSports Performance SpecialistSpectrum Sports PerformancePushing Past Your Limits Train the mind and the body will follow. I have found in my many years of training that all limitation is self-imposed. Basically, who we are and how we perform is determined by what we believe first.Read more →
By: Jonathan TaylorSports Performance SpecialistSpectrum Sports PerformanceNo Excuses: Workout Travel Guide Consistency can help you move forward; inconsistency keeps you standing still! Many people today find it very challenging to maintain a meaningful workout plan due to busy lives and hectic work schedules. With many having occupationsRead more →
By: Jonathan TaylorSports Performance SpecialistSpectrum Sports PerformanceI’m back! Often times with topics of fitness and exercise, it is not so much an issue of learning, as it is an unlearning of what we have learned. Self-image, opinions of others, miss-informed articles, and a host of other hurdlesRead more →
By: Jonathan TaylorSports Performance SpecialistSpectrum Sports PerformanceKnowledge is power, but wisdom is applying that knowledge to actually affect what you do. With the excessive amount of information pertaining to fitness, gaining muscle, and fat loss out there, what is true and what is just a gimmick? OneRead more →
By: Calum McLellan, CSCS, NASM-PES Sports Performance Specialist Spectrum Sports Performance direct loan lender no credit check Everyone has heard “You need to drink more water” before, but does anyone really take that seriously? Aside from oxygen, water is the most important variable for sustaining human life.Read more →
By: Jonathan TaylorSports Performance SpecialistSpectrum Sports Performance Quit the crunches, revamp the approach, and find the abs! The search for a flatter stomach and the coveted six pack have been a much sought after goal for many, making it one of, if not, the number one goalRead more →
By: Eric McGinnis, CSCSSports Performance Specialist, Rollins College Strength CoachSpectrum Sports PerformanceThe term “Functional Training” gets tossed around so often and so loosely that, at this point, I’m not even sure what it means. It’s the hottest buzzword for commercial gym goers, athletes, and their parents alike.Read more →
By: Ryan Troge, NASM-PESSports Performance Specialist Spectrum Sports Performance People look to strength and conditioning coaches for different goals and reasons; from muscle development, to weight loss, to improving athleticism, and the list goes on. Many coaches have great academic backgrounds with various certifications and accreditations toRead more →