By: Calum McLellan, CISSN, CSCS, NASM-PES fast money transfers express cash loan Sports Nutritionist and Sports Performance Specialist Spectrum Sports Performance SSP Nutrition: Timing This week’s nutrition topic is on the concept of nutrient timing. No I am not talking about how fast you can wolf downRead more →
By: Steve Yahns, MS, CSCS, NASM-PESAssistant Director of Performance, Lead Methodology EducatorSpectrum Sports PerformanceVolleyball Specific Exercise, Series 3 For most players on the court, jumping is a key component in every game. Their ability to get up in the air quickly and get height while jumping canRead more →
By: Calum McLellan, CISSN, CSCS, NASM-PESSports Nutritionist and Sports Performance SpecialistSpectrum Sports PerformanceSSP Nutrition: Pre, During, Post Do you eat something beneficial before your workout? Do you drink anything during your workout except water? Do you take advantage of the “window of opportunity” after an intense boutRead more →
By: Steve Yahns, MS, CSCS, NASM-PESAssistant Director of Performance, Lead Methodology EducatorSpectrum Sports PerformanceVolleyball Specific Exercise, Series 2 In part 1 of this article I mentioned how muscular imbalances and postural deviations are everywhere in athletics, and even everyday life. We also previously talked about the importanceRead more →
By: Calum McLellan, CSCS, NASM-PESSports Nutritionist and Sports Performance SpecialistSpectrum Sports PerformanceSSP Nutrition, Intro One of the hardest things as a sports performance specialist is answering questions from people who want a one-word answer about how to attain their goals. Whether it is, “how do I getRead more →
By: Steve Yahns, MS, CSCS, NASM-PESAssistant Director of Performance, Lead Methodology EducatorSpectrum Sports PerformanceVolleyball Specific Exercise, Series 1 For most volleyball players, this part of the year is when school teams are in season, practices take place for multiple hours everyday, and the body starts showing in-seasonRead more →
Take advantage of our limited time offer for High School Basketball Players. Whether you are a senior varsity returner, or trying out for the first time, make sure you are prepared. This 25% OFF Discount is good through the month of October. A sport of true athleticism.Read more →
By: Will HitzelbergerRollins College Strength and ConditioningSpectrum Sports PerformanceSSP begins its 8th year at Rollins College this fall, and will once again be adding another team to its list. The Rollins College Men's Basketball Team will now be using the Sports Performance Services of SSP for theirRead more →
This blog is to simply recognize the athletes that committed their summer to becoming Better Athletes. This group gave up vacations, sleeping in, late nights and mediocracy to provide something special to their sport, their teams and to themselves. We will follow each one of these athletesRead more →
SSP has developed an incredible relationship with Sport Galaxy, a specialized management consultancy that has partnerships within the sporting genre to help in the progression of sport development. Sport Galaxy has recognized the importance of performance training not only for athletic enhancement, but also for career longevity.Read more →