Sport Galaxy Limited

Sport Galaxy Limited
SSP has developed an incredible relationship with Sport Galaxy, a specialized management consultancy that has partnerships within the sporting genre to help in the progression of sport development. Sport Galaxy has recognized the importance of performance training not only for athletic enhancement, but also for career longevity.Read more

Train Movements, Not Muscles

Train Movements, Not Muscles
By: Jonathan TaylorSports Performance SpecialistSpectrum Sports PerformanceThe human body was made to move! Starting when we are very young, the body begins to progressively learn how to move through a series of rolling, pulling, pushing, crawling, and eventually walking techniques. Through the need of getting from hereRead more

Rollins College Men’s Soccer – Strength and Conditioning

Rollins College Men's Soccer - Strength and Conditioning
By: Will HitzelbergerRollins College Strength and ConditioningSpectrum Sports PerformanceOver the last couple of years, Rollins College Men's Soccer Program has become one of the most recognized soccer programs around the country. Two seasons ago they concluded their season at the Division II National Championship with a RunnerRead more

Mythbusters for Women: Exercise Fact or Fiction, Part 2

Mythbusters for Women: Exercise Fact or Fiction, Part 2
By: Jonathan TaylorSports Performance SpecialistSpectrum Sports PerformanceI’m back! Often times with topics of fitness and exercise, it is not so much an issue of learning, as it is an unlearning of what we have learned. Self-image, opinions of others, miss-informed articles, and a host of other hurdlesRead more

What It Takes to Succeed

What It Takes to Succeed
By: Eric McGinnis, CSCSSports Performance Specialist, Rollins College Strength CoachSpectrum Sports Performance Sports help teach young athletes to set goals and take appropriate actions in an attempt to achieve them. We all know that success doesn’t always come easy, but sometimes we fail to understand theRead more