This is our last entry for rotational stability. In review, we want to align the body and fire correctly to keep your stability. Then after adding strength, we can apply this to power movements. If you take one thing away from this video blog series, I hopeRead more →
Taking the concept of rotational stability and adding strength lifts, strength exercises, etc. Unilateral exercises will cause your core to keep you stable, therefore showing lack of stability. No movement = stable! Movement or opening up = not stable. Work on unilateral exercises to become a stronger,Read more →
Someone is running at you - we don't want to absorb the impact, we want to resist that, right? Isometric strength is where it's at. Band anti-rotational work will help you gain the strength to resist. Work on firing glutes, core, shoulders, etc. Do not cave inRead more →
A lot of training is focused on straight ahead work, but we have to become more powerful when rotating! Core training is your foundation. With a strong, stable base you can then add power in your rotation. Focus on stability and strength, isometrically!Read more →
You're at risk for injury if you don't warm up properly, especially when you are warming up for rotational or crossover work. This requires your core to be firing!! So warm up your core as well as lengthening and stretching out the lower body.Read more →
The ability to shuffle is a learned skill. An appropriate warm up is essential to teach mechanics, make sure proper muscles are firing and most importantly, make sure the mind and body are ready to get after it.Read more →
So much time is spent on what goes into a sprint workout, but so many programs fail to properly prepare athletes to sprint with power. It's important to get the kinetic chain in alignment and get core musculature firing. It's just as equally important to elongate musculatureRead more →
By: Steve Yahns, MS, CSCS, NASM-PES Assistant Director of Performance, Lead Methodology Educator Spectrum Sports Performance One Hour Online Loans "How to" Develop More Power Using Plyometrics, Part 6 All sports need rotational work, not just obvious ones! We cover transverse and frontal plane medicine ball exercisesRead more →
It's always about the whole body, everything works together, but today we're focusing on the upper body power using medballs again. Stability is a necessity. A lot less power is generated when you're not using your full body's force. Watch and learn the overhead toss and theRead more →
How important is it to have force transfer?? So important! Total body power starts at the ground and transfers through the body. Losing energy is not what we want so a good starting position and good posture will transfer a higher amount of force.Read more →