Press Release: New partnership with Miami-based ticket sales and entertainment company, Entertainment Benefits Group, LLC

Press Release: New partnership with Miami-based ticket sales and entertainment company, Entertainment Benefits Group, LLC
SPECTRUM, Inc. is excited to announce a new partnership with Miami-based ticket sales and entertainment company, Entertainment Benefits Group, LLC. EBG, the largest premier travel and entertainment provider in the U.S. with offices in Miami, Orlando, New York, and Las Vegas, has recently taken a major shiftRead more

Holiday Survival Guide

By: Dr. Lauren HodgesDirector of Corporate PerformanceSPECTRUM, Inc Though the holidays is one of the most magical times of the year, it’s also a time associated with the infamous “holiday weight gain.” With the parties, sweets, elaborate holiday dinners, cookie exchanges and so on, overindulgence is aRead more

Pay Attention! Disconnect to Connect

By: Dr. Lauren HodgesDirector of Corporate PerformanceSPECTRUM, Inc When’s the last time you sat down and listened intently to a friend, colleague, significant other, or child with your full and best focus and attention? Without checking your checking cell phone, typing an email, glancing at the TV,Read more

Back to Blogging

Back to Blogging
By: Will HitzelbergerPresidentSPECTRUM, Inc In 2014 I began the year strong in regards to blogging. As most of you know, we moved into a new facility about 6 months ago. The logistics and time demands took me away from blogging; however when I should have been documentingRead more