Competition often involving speed, height, a high level of physical exertion, and highly specialized gear.

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The Action Sport Athlete at SSP

As leaders in Performance Training, SSP Action Sport Programs unite performance with the raw athleticism of these freakishly awesome athletes. Athletes that have chosen sports that have a higher number of inherently uncontrollable variables. Environmental variables are frequently weather and terrain related, including wind, snow, water and mountains. Because these natural phenomena cannot be controlled, these athletes possess athletic characteristics that can be enhanced though proper training.

The staff at SSP has helped me work my way through numerous injuries and provided me with invaluable advice on how to safely return to my sport and how to prevent future injury. SSP’s ability to balance focus and hard-work within a fun/encouraging atmosphere is what has made my experience there so unique.

– Josh Palma
Pro Wake Boarder

The two major objectives of our program for Action Sport Athletes are to provide you with the tools to continue to develop your athleticism and prevent injury, but also to lengthen your career. By educating our athletes we will teach you how to make the most out of your career.