SPECTRUM, Inc. Announces New Performance Partner: Marc Pro
IF YOU WANT TO PERFORM BETTER, YOU NEED TO RECOVER BETTER. Elite competitors, serious athletes, and those of us active and over 40 face a similar problem; we’re often doing more than our bodies can handle. You may or may not actually feel sore; but you’re likely starting each day with a recovery deficit, and that’s a major problem. When you’re not fresh your performance suffers, if you don’t fully recover your training gains are compromised, and overuse and fatigue cause the majority of injuries. Using Marc Pro after any training session or activity will greatly improve your recovery allowing you to feel better, perform better, and reduce the chance of injury. Moreover, if you’re dealing with pain beyond soreness, the Marc Pro Plus can provide significant, lasting, drug-free pain relief.
“We are excited to add the Marc Pro as a recovery tool for all our clientele,” says SPECTRUM President, Will Hitzelberger.
For now there will be one in the facility for our clients, but we strongly encourage our athletic clientele to purchase one for their own use. It is an incredible recovery tool to use immediately after training, practices and competition to enhance the recovery process.
If you are considering purchasing a unit make sure to use our code “Spectrum” to receive a discount.
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