By: Calum McLellan, CISSN, CSCS, NASM-PESSports Nutritionist and Sports Performance SpecialistSpectrum Sports Performance
The holiday season is all about celebrating time with friends and family. Unfortunately celebrating usually involves lots of eating and drinking, which can completely derail you from your fitness and weight loss goals. Although there is plenty of temptation and even pressure from people around you, there are ways to survive this time of year with out completely sabotaging your body composition.
Have a snack – Continue with your proper meal timing. Don’t starve yourself in preparation for the big feast. Having a small snack such as a Greek yogurt or a piece of fruit with plenty of water an hour or so before the big meal can help you from over indulging during big meal.
Don’t skip a work out – Doing a metabolism-boosting workout before the big meal can keep your body burning extra calories the rest of the day. Go for a run. Do a quick body weight circuit. Even a long walk is better than nothing.
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